Pituitary Adenoma: Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, and Treatment

What is Pituitary Gland?

The pituitary gland, often referred to as the "master gland" due to its crucial role in regulating various bodily functions, is a pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain. Despite its small size, the pituitary gland plays a critical role in controlling the functions of other endocrine glands throughout the body, as well as influencing growth, metabolism, reproduction, and stress response.

The pituitary gland's functions are tightly regulated by feedback mechanisms involving the hypothalamus, target glands, and peripheral hormones. Any disruption in these regulatory mechanisms can lead to various health problems, including pituitary disorders such as pituitary adenomas. The pituitary gland is a vital component of the endocrine system, orchestrating the body's hormonal balance and contributing to overall health and well-being. Its intricate interplay with the hypothalamus and other endocrine glands underscores its significance in maintaining homeostasis and proper bodily functions.

What is a Pituitary Adenoma?

A pituitary adenoma refers to a noncancerous growth that develops on the pituitary gland. Unlike cancerous tumors, pituitary adenomas do not spread to other parts of the body. However, as these adenomas enlarge, they may exert pressure on surrounding structures, leading to the manifestation of symptoms. Healthcare professionals classify pituitary adenomas based on their hormone secretion and size:

Functioning (secreting) adenomas: These adenomas produce excess pituitary hormones, resulting in specific symptoms or conditions depending on the hormone they release.

Non-functioning (non-secreting) adenomas: While these adenomas do not release hormones, their growth can exert pressure on nearby structures, leading to complications. Non-functioning pituitary adenomas are the most commonly diagnosed type by healthcare providers.

Pituitary adenomas are also categorized by their size:

Microadenomas: Adenomas smaller than 10 millimeters or 1 centimeter in size.

Macroadenomas: Adenomas larger than 10 millimeters. Macroadenomas are twice as prevalent as microadenomas and are more likely to cause lower than normal levels of one or more pituitary hormones, known as hypopituitarism.

In this article, we will delve into the symptoms, causes, risk factors, and treatment options for pituitary adenoma, shedding light on this complex yet manageable condition.

What are the symptoms of a pituitary adenoma?

The symptoms of pituitary adenoma can vary depending on the size and location of the tumor, as well as the hormones it affects. Common symptoms include:

Headaches: Persistent or severe headaches, especially behind the eyes or in the temples. This could be due to pressure on nearby tissues, but as headaches are a common symptom in general, people could have them for other reasons as well.

Vision Changes: Blurred vision, double vision, or loss of peripheral vision, often due to pressure on the optic nerves.

Hormonal Imbalances: Abnormalities in hormone levels can lead to symptoms such as irregular menstrual periods, erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, fatigue, and weight gain or loss. Pituitary macroadenomas can cause one or more pituitary hormone deficiencies due to damage to your pituitary gland tissue. This can result in an underactive pituitary gland, also known as hypopituitarism.

Nausea and Vomiting: Increased pressure on the brain can cause nausea and vomiting, particularly in the morning.

Fatigue: Feeling tired or lethargic, even after adequate rest.

Infertility: Pituitary adenomas affecting hormone levels can interfere with reproductive function, leading to infertility in some cases. The exact cause of pituitary adenomas is often unknown, but several factors may contribute to their development. One of them is Genetic Predisposition - Certain genetic syndromes, such as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) and Carney complex, increase the risk of developing pituitary adenomas.

Diagnosis and Tests

How are pituitary adenomas diagnosed?

The diagnostic approach for pituitary adenomas hinges on identifying the type of adenoma present and whether it manifests symptoms.In cases of hormone-secreting pituitary adenomas, healthcare providers typically diagnose the underlying condition based on the symptoms exhibited by the patient before identifying the adenoma itself. This method is adopted because various conditions stemming from excess hormones can have diverse origins beyond pituitary adenomas. Similarly, the same principle applies to diagnosing hypopituitarism, which involves deficiencies in pituitary hormone production.

Occasionally, pituitary adenomas are incidentally discovered during brain imaging tests conducted for other medical concerns. In such instances, the adenoma is often small in size and non-functioning.

What tests will be done to diagnose a pituitary adenoma?

If your healthcare provider suspects you may have a pituitary adenoma, they will conduct a thorough assessment of your symptoms and medical history, and perform a physical examination. Subsequently, they may recommend the following diagnostic tests:

Blood tests: Depending on your symptoms, your healthcare provider may request blood tests to evaluate specific hormone levels, aiding in the diagnosis of a pituitary adenoma.

Imaging tests: An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan or CT (computed tomography) scan of your head can provide detailed images of the structures within your skull. These imaging tests are instrumental in confirming the presence of a pituitary adenoma.

Eye exam: If you are experiencing vision problems, your healthcare provider may conduct a visual field test to assess your eye function. Large pituitary adenomas can exert pressure on the nerves connecting your eyes to your brain, potentially causing visual disturbances.

Treatment Options

Treatment for pituitary adenoma depends on various factors, including the tumor's size, location, hormone secretion, and overall health of the patient. Common treatment options include:

Surgery: Majority of Pituitary Adenoma treated by by Surgery. The Surgeries are done transcranial or trans nasally. Endoscopic trans nasal trans sphenoidal surgery are latest and safe technique to remove Pituitary Adenoma.

Medication: Certain medications, such as dopamine agonists or somatostatin analogs, may be prescribed to reduce hormone levels or shrink the tumor.

Radiation Therapy: In cases where surgery is not feasible or the tumor persists after surgery, radiation therapy may be used to shrink or control the growth of the tumor.

Hormone Replacement Therapy: After surgery, hormone replacement therapy may be necessary to restore normal hormone levels and alleviate symptoms caused by hormonal imbalances.


Regrettably, there are no known preventive measures to avoid developing a pituitary adenoma. While most cases of pituitary adenomas occur randomly, they are also associated with certain rare genetic conditions, as mentioned earlier.

If you have a first-degree relative, such as a sibling or parent, diagnosed with one of these conditions, undergoing genetic testing may be advisable to ascertain whether you carry the genetic predisposition. This proactive step can aid in early detection and intervention if a pituitary adenoma is present. Your healthcare provider may recommend regular monitoring of your pituitary hormone levels through blood tests to enhance the likelihood of detecting and treating a pituitary tumor before it progresses and causes complications.

Pituitary adenoma is a complex condition that requires careful evaluation and management by healthcare professionals, often involving a multidisciplinary approach. While the symptoms of pituitary adenoma can be challenging, timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment can lead to effective symptom management and improved quality of life for affected individuals. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms suggestive of pituitary adenoma, seeking medical attention promptly is crucial for proper evaluation and treatment planning. With advances in medical science and ongoing research, there is hope for better outcomes and enhanced quality of life for those living with pituitary adenoma.

For personalized advice and consultation on any brain and spine-related concerns, it is strongly recommended to seek the expertise of a qualified medical professional. We encourage you to consult with Dr. Adarsh Patel, a best neurosurgeon in ahmedabad for their expertise in addressing various neurological and spinal conditions. Dr. Adarsh Patel possesses a wealth of experience and is committed to providing comprehensive and individualized care to patients. To schedule an appointment or seek further guidance, please contact Dr. Adarsh Patel directly Click Here. Your health is of utmost importance, and consulting with a specialist ensures that you receive accurate information tailored to your specific needs.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor should it be considered, a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider.